Andrea Franceschi


I am a first-year PhD student at the IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, enrolled in the Systems Science PhD program, software quality track.
I am part of the SySMA research unit.

My research interests lie in formal methods and software security. My current work centers on static analysis techniques for detecting bugs in multi-language software. In particular, Rust programs interacting with C/C++ or legacy code in general.

Next conferences/talks

What: ITASEC & SERICS JOINT NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CYBERSECURITY Where: Bologna (IT), Plesso Belmeloro - Via B. Andreatta, 8 - ROOM F When: February 05, 2025 - 11:10 am Why: Preliminary paper work, Detecting Memory Errors in Rust Programs Including Unsafe Foreign Code Who: Andrea Franceschi, Letterio Galletta and Pierpaolo Degano
